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The Courtyard of the Happy Way and Weihsien Concentration Camp Museum

The complex in the Courtyard of the Happy Way, founded in 1882 and rebuilt in 1902, is located in the northwest of Lijiazhuang Village to the eastern gate of the old Wei County and on the south bank of Yu River, covering an area of more than 130,000 square meters. With a history of more than 130 years, the complex consists of church, school and hospital set up by North Presbyterian Church in Wei County. The former Guangwen University was often referred to as the “Harvard in China” because of its imitation of Harvard University in teaching materials and academic system. The establishment and development of the hospital in the Courtyard of the Happy Way promoted the spread of Western medicine, science and technology, and education in China, and played an important role in promoting the cultural exchanges between China and the West. “Civilizations are enriched by exchanges and mutual learning”. The Courtyard of the Happy Way has played a role of bridge and link for the development and mutual learning of Eastern and Western civilization.

During World War II, Japan launched the Pacific War. In retaliation for the United States’ restrictions on the movement of Japanese-Americans in America, Japan secretly set up a foreign expatriate camp in the Courtyard of the Happy Way in March 1942, detaining more than 2000 European and American expatriates (500 being released later in exchange for prisoners of war), among which 327 were children. The Japanese army strictly guarded the Western expatriates and forced them to work, and brutally treated the Chinese inside and outside the camp, beating, punishing and even killing them, till the liberation on August 17, 1945. All the buildings in the Courtyard of the Happy Way recorded the murderous atrocities of Japanese militarism. Like other sites of fascist concentration camps all over the world, it is a painful memory in the human history.

The Courtyard of the Happy Way was once one of the active places of revolution in Wei County and was known as the cradle of Weixian Revolution. Many revolutionists carried out revolutionary activities here. The famous East China University was established here, which cultivated a large number of talents for Chinese revolution.

In 2019, the Courtyard of the Happy Way & the former site of the Western Expatriates Concentration Camp has been listed as a key national cultural relic protection unit and a national demonstration base for patriotism education.

Each building in the Courtyard of the Happy Way has become a witness of its history, telling us the story of what happened here over the past one hundred years.




  • 9:00


  • 16:30

    No Admission

  • 17:00




History of the Courtyard of the Happy Way

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Guided Tour

Ways and charges

Staff-guided tours are available to group visitors. Individual visitors can choose to use the audio guide.

1.Staff-guided tour (Reservation must be made by phone in advance. Only one appointment can be made in the morning and one in the afternoon)

Introduction of permanent exhibitions is available for staff-guided tours, which lasts for about one hour and is free of charge.

2.Audio Guide

Audio guide mainly introduces the permanent exhibitions. Visitors can rent free of charge with valid personal ID cards.

Guided Tour



Research institutions


1、 Composition of initiator and personnel

Weifang Weixian concentration camp research association is a citywide, academic and Cultural Association jointly initiated by sun Jingming, member of Weixian concentration camp Museum and Weixian museum research center of ledaoyuan, Liu Jiafeng, vice president and professor of School of history and culture of Shandong University, Wang Jianxin, Secretary of the Party committee and President of Guangwen middle school, Zou Fengqiang, director of the party office of the Municipal People's Hospital, Sun Li, deputy research librarian of the Municipal Museum, Li Shiqing, deputy director of Weixian concentration camp Museum of ledaoyuan and other units and individuals Non profit social organizations.

2、 Background

In May 2019, the 136th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th municipal Party committee considered and studied the topic of "straightening out the property rights system of ledaoyuan", and proposed the work requirements of "straightening out the property rights system of ledaoyuan, transferring the buildings of ledaoyuan to the cultural and Tourism Bureau, and unified management of museums". On September 3, 2020, the ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum held its opening ceremony, officially opening to the public free of charge. On March 18, 2021, ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum held the unveiling ceremony of the deputy department level institution. Ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp museum is an independent legal entity at the deputy county level. At present, ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum has won honorary titles such as "national patriotic education demonstration base", "national key cultural relics protection unit", "Shandong key cultural relics protection unit", "Shandong patriotic education base" and "Shandong education base for caring for the next generation".

At present, the relevant research of ledaoyuan's Weixian concentration camp is highly concerned by the State Administration of cultural relics and provincial and municipal leaders. However, compared with its own historical and cultural value, ledaoyuan's Weixian concentration camp has a low popularity and reputation, and there are few special academic research monographs and film and television opera works. It is urgent to establish a high-end academic research platform, and use it as a link to introduce experts and scholars at all levels to deeply explore the historical and cultural value of Weixian concentration camp, It is an urgent need to improve the popularity and reputation of Weixian concentration camp and establish Weifang Weixian concentration camp Research Association.

3、 Preparatory process

In May 2019, the municipal Party committee decided to unify the seven historical buildings of ledaoyuan and Weixian concentration camp under the management of the Municipal Museum, and organized the preparation for the construction of ledaoyuan and Weixian concentration camp Museum. The Municipal Museum has preliminarily brewed up the idea of establishing the Weixian concentration camp Research Association in Weifang City.

At 2:30 p.m. on September 29, 2019, according to the arrangement of the Publicity Department of the municipal Party committee, preparations were made for the establishment of the ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Research Association. The first collective meeting of the Preparatory Committee of the Weixian concentration camp research committee was held in the Weixian concentration camp of ledaoyuan. Leaders of the Publicity Department of the municipal Party committee, the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, the Research Institute of party history of the municipal Party committee, the Municipal People's Hospital, Guangwen middle school, Weifang evening news, the Municipal Museum and other units attended the meeting. Zhong gengmin, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the municipal Party committee, presided over the meeting. After the meeting, the address book of the Preparatory Committee of the Weixian concentration camp research association was made.

On November 2, 2020, the first plenary meeting of the leading group for the promotion project of ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp museum was held in the comprehensive building of the municipal government. The progress plan for the promotion project of ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum officially proposed the construction of "one regiment and three meetings", and prepared to establish the Weixian concentration camp Research Association.

On November 8, 2020, the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau held a special meeting, agreed to and actively supported the preparatory work for the establishment of the Weixian concentration camp Research Association in Weifang City, and preliminarily drew up the list of proposed leaders of the Weixian concentration camp Research Association.

On November 16, 2020, the Municipal Museum submitted the preparatory plan for Weifang Weixian concentration camp research association to the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau.

From November 2020 to April 2021, in order to prepare for the establishment of Weifang Weixian concentration camp Research Association, Ji Shuchun, the former director of Weifang Museum, held in-depth discussions, communication and consultation with leaders of the leading group of the promotion project of Weixian concentration camp Museum of ledaoyuan, leaders of the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, principals of the Municipal People's Hospital and Guangwen middle school, and gradually discussed the organizational structure, operation mode, funding, objectives Concept and other important principles and directions of the conference, and reached various preliminary consensus.

On July 7, 2021, Vice Mayor Ma Qingmin led a team to the State Administration of cultural relics to report to Li Qun, Deputy Minister of culture and tourism and director of the State Administration of cultural relics, on the recent work of the promotion project of the ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum. Li Qun, deputy minister, proposed that the main task of the museum is to protect and display, and at the same time, strengthen research. To strengthen the research of cultural relics, there should be a group of researchers, and museums should take the lead, hire relevant people, and establish research associations and other relevant institutions.

From August 2 to 9, 2021, the Preparatory Committee issued invitations to unit members and individual members who intend to join the society.

On August 11, 2021, Vice Mayor Ma Qingmin presided over the coordination and promotion meeting of the promotion project of ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum. According to the meeting arrangement, it is planned to establish Weifang Weixian concentration camp Research Association in early September.

From August 12 to August 21, 2021, according to the requirements of Weifang administrative examination and Approval Service Bureau on the submission of materials for the preparation and establishment of associations. The Preparatory Committee began to carry out daily liaison and coordination, collate member information, formulate the draft articles of association, membership fee standards, member management methods, election methods, and improve the financial management system of the society.

On August 23, 2021, Weifang culture and Tourism Bureau agreed to serve as the competent department of Weixian concentration camp Research Association of Weifang City after discussion at the Party group meeting of the Bureau.

On August 30, 2021, Weifang administrative examination and approval service bureau completed the review of materials preparation during the conference. Weifang administrative examination and approval service bureau passed the review and officially issued the approval for the preparation and establishment of Weixian concentration camp Research Association in Weifang City.

From August 30 to September 2, 2021, the preparatory work committee completed all preparations for the first member congress of the first session of the Weixian concentration camp Research Association of Weifang City.

Experts and scholars


Research findings


《Vicissitudes of ledaoyuan》

The history of ledaoyuan bears the history of Weixian County, records the spiritual symbols of internationalism and pacifism, and is of great significance to the development of Weifang. In order to further expand the popularity and influence of ledaoyuan's Weixian concentration camp, in 2019, Comrade Ji Shuchun, an expert consultant of the promotion project of ledaoyuan's Weixian concentration camp Museum, proposed that Weifang Weixian concentration camp research association should compile a basic book to systematically and graphically introduce the development history of ledaoyuan and the experience of Weixian concentration camp, It is an intuitive understanding of this period of history for domestic and foreign literary and historical lovers and the broad masses of the people. At the same time, it is also a reference book for the staff of the ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp museum to learn.

Once the proposal was put forward, it was unanimously agreed by Weixian concentration camp Research Association of Weifang City. The Propaganda Department of the Weifang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Weifang Municipal Bureau of culture and tourism attached great importance to the compilation of the book, and immediately organized the Weixian concentration camp Research Association and the competent personnel of the museum related specialties to sort out and edit the development history of the ledaoyuan and the Weixian overseas Chinese concentration camp, collect pictures and read the content. Among them, Comrade Ji Shuchun attached great importance to the compilation of the vicissitudes of music, personally formulated the compilation ideas and organized the compilers to carry out their work, which ensured the orderly progress of the compilation work.

Taking time as the main line, the book "the vicissitudes of ledaoyuan" is divided into four sections: the ledaoyuan before 1942, the ledaoyuan that became the Western expatriate concentration camp, the red memory of the ledaoyuan, and the ledaoyuan in the new era. The education, medical care, preaching and other activities of the ledaoyuan, the establishment of the concentration camp in Weixian County, the detainees, the life and struggle of overseas Chinese, the relief of overseas Chinese by the people of Weixian County, and the liberation of the concentration camp,   "Civilization is colorful because of exchanges, and civilization is enriched because of mutual learning".


In the process of compiling the book, Weifang Weixian concentration camp Research Association and ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum upgrading project expert advisory group presided over and organized a large number of research and business academic exchange activities related to Weixian concentration camp. Led by Li Shiqing, supervisor of Weixian concentration camp Research Association of Weifang City and deputy director of ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum, Ji Shuchun, expert consultant of the upgrading project of ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum, Experts and scholars such as sun Jingming, Liu Jiafeng, Ma Daoyuan and Cui Shutian, directors of Weixian concentration camp Research Association of Weifang City, Lu Junfeng, director of Weixian concentration camp fellowship of ledaoyuan, and Sui Shude, director of translation center of Weifang Foreign Affairs Office, reviewed the manuscript of the book and paid a lot of effort. When the book was about to be published, Chu Baojie, then a member of the Standing Committee of the Weifang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and director of the Propaganda Department, made a preface to Weifang historical and cultural atlas. In addition, according to the requirements of the Cultural Relics Publishing House, Mr. Sun Jingming issued review opinions on the manuscript.

On May 18, 2022, on the day of the "International Museum Day" promotion activities of ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum, Li Shiqing, supervisor of Weixian concentration camp Research Association of Weifang City and deputy director of ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum, officially announced the release of the vicissitudes of Ledao.


Solicitation announcement


Announcement of ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum on publicly collecting physical materials related to the former site of ledaoyuan and Western expatriate concentration camp in Weixian County

In order to further improve the exhibition and display level of the ledaoyuan Weixian concentration camp Museum (hereinafter referred to as the "Museum") and better provide patriotic education, revolutionary tradition education, and modern and contemporary Chinese social development history education services for the broad masses of the people, It is decided to openly solicit physical materials related to the former site of ledaoyuan and Western overseas Chinese concentration camp in Weixian county from the whole society. The announcement is as follows:

1、 Solicitation scope

From 1882 to 1949, the former site of ledaoyuan and Western expatriate concentration camp in Weixian county had great historical value and typical physical data in the process of development and change. It includes the physical remains of the ledaoyuan building complex itself, the representative physical materials reflecting the education, science and technology, medical treatment, religion and other aspects of the various development stages of the ledaoyuan, the important physical materials during the Wei County concentration camp, and the relevant physical materials of major events and important figures related to the ledaoyuan, the Wei County concentration camp, East China University and so on.

2、 Collection classification

(1) Physical data. include:

1. Physical materials related to ledaoyuan building complex. Including the architectural layout of ledaoyuan, the title deed, and the remaining landmark building components.

2. Physical materials related to ledaoyuan school. Such as teaching equipment, teaching materials, other teachers' and students' articles, student payment vouchers, award certificates, graduation certificates, etc. of Wenhua Hall (schools, middle schools), Guangwen middle school, Guangwen University, Peiji primary school, etc.

3. Physical materials related to ledaoyuan hospital. Including inpatient facilities and equipment, medical devices, drug packaging, medical books, training materials of nursing schools, etc.

4. Physical materials related to religious activities of the ledaoyuan. For example, religious articles, missionary reports, religious books, etc. of Le Daoyuan.

5. Physical materials related to the concentration camp in Weixian county. Such as the facilities and equipment in the concentration camp, the work and daily necessities of Western expatriates and Japanese gendarmes, and representative relics of Weixian people who helped Western expatriates.

6. Material materials related to the activities of the Communist Party of China in ledaoyuan. Including the dissemination of Marxism in ledaoyuan, the material materials related to the activities of the Communist Party of China and the Communist Youth League in ledaoyuan and missionary schools, and the material materials related to the establishment, teaching, teachers and students of East China University.

(2) Documents and Archives

All kinds of books, newspapers, letters, manuscripts, documents, manuscripts, account books, letters, telegrams and other physical evidence related to ledaoyuan and Weixian concentration camp, as well as all kinds of relevant photos, pictures, video materials and audio recording materials.

(3) Materials related to important persons

Important figures in the development process of Le Dao Yuan, such as Western figures such as di Kao Wen, di Lok Bo, Wei Lishi, articles and relics used by western people such as de Weisi, Li Ai Rui, Heng Anshi and Dilan who were once imprisoned in concentration camps, and witnesses of major events.

(4) Other materials and documents related to ledaoyuan and Weixian concentration camp.

3、 Collection method

(1) Voluntary donation. After accepting the donation, the museum will issue a collection certificate to the donor, indicating the name, age and material of the donated items; A donation ceremony shall be held for those with large amount and high value; The name of the donor is marked on the objects on display.

(2) Deposit for safekeeping. The owner of the physical data shall sign a deposit agreement with the museum, and the name of the owner shall be marked on the physical data displayed.

(3) Purchase or rent exhibitions. If the owner has no intention of donating or depositing the physical or documentary materials with important historical value, the museum shall form a physical data appraisal and eva luation committee according to law and regulations. After appraisal, review and eva luation, the museum shall sign a purchase agreement with the owner to purchase the collection or rent the exhibition.

4、 Collection time:

It is valid for a long time from May 1, 2021.

5、 Contact:

Address: Weifang people's Hospital in the west of Yuhe Road, Kuiwen District, Weifang City, adjacent to ledaoyuan and Weixian concentration camp Museum in the North


1. Ms. Liang -- Tel: 0536-2111576

2. Ms. sun -- Tel: 0536-8233675 to 8808

Email: ldybgs@163.com

Collection dynamics



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Painting In Weixian County
